see also: GM

gm (plural gms)

  1. Initialism of general#English|general manager#English|manager.
  2. Initialism of group#English|group message#English|message.

  1. Initialism of game master or game moderator
  2. Initialism of general manager
  3. Initialism of genital mutilation
  4. Initialism of genetic modification
  5. Initialism of gender minority (i.e., non-cisgender (person or people)) (also used attributively).
    • 2018, Peter M. Monti, Suzanne M. Colby, Tracy O'Leary Tevyaw, Brief Interventions for Adolescent Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Guilford Publications (ISBN 9781462535071), page 306:
      Indeed, because of the paucity of literature on GM youth and the important distinctions between GM and SM youth, ...
  6. Initialism of George Medal
  7. Initialism of General Motors
Synonyms Verb

gm (gms, present participle gming; past and past participle gmed)

  1. To DM or practice Dungeon Mastering; to run a tabletop role-playing game.

gm (not comparable)

  1. Initialism of genetically modified
  1. (internet, text messaging) Initialism of good morning

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