Pronunciation Noun

gound (uncountable)

  1. (UK dialectal) Mucus produced by the eyes during sleep.
    • 2002, Peter Novobatzky, Ammon Shea, Depraved and Insulting English:
      Typical terms invented to fill this vacuum include sleepies, eye-snot, and bed-boogers. The correct word, however, is gound. "Collin was never one to dillydally in the morning: by the time he had rubbed the gound out of his eyes he was usually on his third Manhattan."
    • 2004, Bart King, Chris Sabatino, The Big Book of Boy Stuff:
      Your eyes get dried mucus in them while you sleep. The stuff is sometimes called bed-boogers or eye-snot, but to be accurate, it is "gound".
  2. (UK dialectal) Gummy matter in sore eyes.

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