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- The quality of being inactive; idleness; passiveness.
- 1994, Helene Barbara Weinberg, Doreen Bolger, David Park Curry, American Impressionism and Realism
- Painters depicted Idle Hours (see fig. 99), reverie, solitude, and other themes that reflected Americans' new willingness to eschew productivity, and they sold their canvases to patrons who enjoyed both the inactivities portrayed and seeing themselves portrayed in inactivities.
- 1994, Helene Barbara Weinberg, Doreen Bolger, David Park Curry, American Impressionism and Realism
- French: inactivité
- German: Untätigkeit
- Russian: безде́йствие
- Spanish: ociosidad, inactividad
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003