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- IPA: /lɔːdəbl/
- Worthy of being lauded; praiseworthy; commendable
- laudable motives
- laudable actions
- laudable ambition
- Healthy; salubrious; having a disposition to promote healing
- laudable juices of the body
- laudable pus
- Antonyms: noxious
- French: louable
- German: lobenswert, löblich
- Italian: lodabile, lodevole, encomiabile, meritorio, benemerito, elogiabile
- Portuguese: louvável
- Russian: похва́льный
- Spanish: loable, laudable, encomiable, meritorio, benemérito, elogiable
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003