see also: Lombard

lombard (plural lombards)

  1. (historical) A Spanish cannon of the 16th century.
    • source Albert Manucy, Artillery Through the Ages: A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America, National Park Service, USA, 1949
      As the Pinta's lookout sighted land on the early morn of October 12, 1492, the firing of a lombard carried the news over the moonlit waters to the flagship Santa Maria.

  • IPA: /ˈlɒmbɑː(ɹ)d/

lombard (plural lombards)

  1. A member of a Germanic people who invaded Italy in the 6th century; a Langobard.
  2. A native or inhabitant of Lombardy.
  3. (rare) A banker or moneylender.
  4. (obsolete) A Lombard house.
    • a Lombard unto this day signifying a bank for usury or pawns
  5. (military, historical) A form of cannon.
Translations Translations Proper noun
  1. A Romance language spoken in northern Italy and southern Switzerland, see and Lombard language.
  2. Surname
Translations Adjective


  1. Of or relating to Lombardy, or the inhabitants of Lombardy.

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