magnetic field

magnetic field (plural magnetic fields)

  1. (physics) A condition in the space around a magnet or electric current in which there is a detectable magnetic force and two magnetic poles are present.
    • 1983, Ronald T. Merrill, Michael W. McElhinny, The Earth's Magnetic Field: Its History, Origin, and Planetary Perspective, Academic Press, page 135 ↗,
      David (1904) and Brunhes (1906) first observed magnetizations in lava flows that were roughly opposed to that of the present earth's magnetic field.
    • 1996, V. R. Khalilov, Electron Strong Magnetic Field, [1988, V. R. Khalilov, Elektroni v silnom magnetom poli, Energoatomizdat, Moscow], Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, page 123 ↗,
      In contrast to the IQHE[Integer Quantum Hall Effect], the fractional quantum Hall effect occurs in much stronger magnetic fields, and in this case electrons cannot be considered as noninteracting ones.
    • 2007, Eugene N. Parker, Conversations on Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Cosmos, Princeton University Press, page 25 ↗,
      The magnetic field B bears the same relation to a hypothetical magnetic charge m as the electric field bears to the electric charge q, so the development of the previous chapter can be taken over completely. The stress tensor for a magnetic field Bi is identical in form to that for the electric field. The energy density is obviously B2/8π and the magnetic field is a physical reality just like the electric field. Electric and magnetic fields superpose linearly […] . This is perhaps a convenient place to remark that a magnetic field exerts no force whatever on an electric charge.
    1. (modern) B-field.
    2. (dated) H-field.
  • (B-field) magnetic flux density, magnetic induction
  • (H-field) magnetic field intensity, magnetic field strength, magnetizing field

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