see also: Mott

mott (plural motts)

  1. (US, chiefly Texas) A copse or small grove of trees, especially live oak or elm. [from 19th c.]
    • about 1900, O. Henry, Hygeia at the Solito
      They were rolling southward on the International. The timber was huddling into little, dense green motts at rare distances before the inundation of the downright, vert prairies. This was the land of the ranches; the domain of the kings of the kine.
    • 2013, Philipp Meyer, The Son, Simon & Schuster 2014, p. 39:
      We continued northwest, the grass tall with scattered thick motts of oak and the mesquites with their flickering leaves and the yuccas in bloom with their white flowers.

mott (plural motts)

  1. Alternative spelling of mot

Proper noun
  1. Surname
  2. A ghost town in Missouri.
  3. A small city/county seat in Hettinger County, North Dakota.

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