Pronunciation Noun

neap (plural neaps)

  1. The tongue or pole of a cart or other vehicle drawn by two animals.

neap (not comparable)

  1. (of a tide) Low; lowest; the ebb or lowest point of a tide.
  2. Designating a tide which occurs just after the first and third quarters of the moon, when there is the least difference between high tide and low tide.
  • German: Nipptide, Nippflut
  • Spanish: muerta (marea muerta)

neap (neaps, present participle neaping; past and past participle neaped)

  1. To trap a ship (or ship and crew) in water too shallow to move, due to the smaller tidal range occurring in a period of neap tides.
  2. to ooze, to sink, to subside, to tail

neap (plural neaps)

  1. A neap tide.

neap (plural neaps)

  1. Alternative form of neep

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