see also: Pahlavi

pahlavi (plural pahlavis)

  1. (historical) The principal gold coin of the Pahlavi dynasty (1925-1979).

Proper noun
  1. The Pahlavi script, a writing system derived from the Aramaic script and used to write several Iranian languages, the most common form of which was the Book Pahlavi.
  2. The Middle Persian language rendered in Book Pahlavi.
    • 2009, Carlo Cereti, "Middle Persian Literature I: Pahlavi," Encyclopedia Iranica (online edition)
      Pahlavi literature traditionally defines the writings of the Zoroastrians in the Middle Persian language and Book Pahlavi script which were compiled in the 9th and the 10th centuries CE.
  3. The Pahlavi dynasty which ruled Iran in the 20th century.
  • German: Pehlewi
  • Russian: пехлеви язык

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