
populist (plural populists)

  1. A person who advocates populism (a movement against ruling elites who are presumed not to act in the interests of the ordinary citizen).
    • 2013, Luke Harding and Uki Goni, Argentina urges UK to hand back Falklands and 'end colonialism (in The Guardian, 3 January 2013)
      Critics suggest that Fernández, an unashamed populist and nationalist, is seeking to deflect attention from social disharmony at home.
  2. A politician who advocates specific policies just because they are popular.
  3. A person who advocates democratic principles.
Translations Translations Translations
  • Russian: наро́дник


  1. Democratic.
  2. (of a political policy) Put forward just because it would be popular.
  3. Of or pertaining to populism.
  • Russian: наро́днический
Translations Translations

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