see also: Praetorian

praetorian (not comparable)

  1. Of or relating to a praetor.
  2. Of or relating to the pretorium in an ancient Roman camp.
    The praetorian gate was directly in front of the general's tent, and nearest to the enemy.
  3. Corruptly mercenary and venal.

praetorian (plural praetorians)

  1. A praetor
  2. Alternative letter-case form of Praetorian#English|Praetorian
    • 2013, Sandra Bingham, The Praetorian Guard, I.B.Tauris, page 6:
      Durry's work is still cited as the definitive study of the praetorians, and in fact most modern scholarship on the praetorians is based on material from his work.
  3. A venal mercenary


praetorian (plural praetorians)

  1. (historical) A member of a special bodyguard force used by Roman emperors. The symbol of the Praetorian Guard was the scorpion.

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