see also: PS, Ps
  1. plural form of p
  2. Alternative form of PS post scriptum.


ps (uncountable)

  1. postal service
    USPS = United States Postal Service
  2. public school
  3. public service(s)
  4. (video games) PlayStation
  5. (software) Photoshop
  6. (computing) PostScript, a page description language
  7. (telecommunications) packet-switched
  8. Initialism of a number of proto-languages' names:
    1. (linguistics) Proto-Slavic.
    2. (linguistics) Proto-Semitic.
    3. (linguistics) Proto-Salish, Proto-Salishan.
    4. (linguistics) Proto-Sahaptian.
  9. paddle steamer
  10. power supply
  11. (organic compound) polystyrene
  12. parallel slalom
  13. post scriptum, postscriptum, postscript (initialism written at the end of a text as a footnote)
    [the body of a letter]
    PS I love you.
  • German: NS
  • Russian: P. S.
  • Spanish: P.D.

  1. plural form of P

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