  1. The sound a bird may make, similar to peep, chirp, cheep.
    • 1918, Joseph Grinnell, Harold Child Bryant, Tracy Irwin Storer, The game birds of California
      In flight they often made a close flock calling, queep, queep, queep, queep, queep, . . .
  2. The sound a machine may make, similar to beep. See pocketa-queep.

queep (queeps, present participle queeping; past and past participle queeped)

  1. To emit a "queep" sound.
    • She started to speak, but the peek queeped, and she studded it on.
      The computer queeped softly and then said, “Ship's systems ....”
      “This used to be where the contractors kept their heavy equipment,” Lester rumbled, aiming a car door remote at the door, which queeped and opened.

queep (uncountable)

  1. (military, slang, US) Non-flying duties, typically paperwork, that are undesirable to pilots.
    Why in the hell isn’t there someone else to do all this queep?!
    • It isn't how well you fly, it's who you know and how well you perform your queep ground job.
    Still, the above is a true reflection of statistical promotion rates in the context of our current queep-biased system.
    What fighter pilots do is fly, and that they love, they have little love or tolerance for queep, a term for all paperwork and related jobs that keep a pilot out of the cockpit.
    Besides, if you're not flying, your whole world is going to consist of nothing but office queep.
    The stigma that surrounds a safety office and its staff is often that of naysayers or un-cool nerds. We’re the crushers of fun or sultans of queep in many squadrons, but there's no place for that kind of culture in the safety world.

queep (uncountable)

  1. A rowing event, with two scullers and two sweepers per shell.

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