see also: Raku
  1. Alternative letter-case form of Raku#English|Raku

Proper noun
  1. (ceramics) A style of Japanese pottery, considered the traditional style for the pottery used in the Japanese tea ceremony; (especially capitalised) such pottery made by the Raku family.
    • 1989, Chanoyu Quarterly, Issue 58, page 38 ↗,
      Koetsu learned the technique of Raku pottery from the Raku potter Kichizaemon Jokei (1561-1635) and his son Nonko (aka Donyu; 1599-1656), who also had the name Kichibei.
    • 2010, John Mathieson, Techniques Using Slips, Chapter 6: Slips and Raku, page 53 ↗,
      As a technique, raku seems to encourage experimentation.
  2. The English transliteration of a Japanese surname; specifically, that of the family traditionally licensed to manufacture the pottery.
Proper noun
  1. A programming language derived from Perl.

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