  • enPR: rē-käst', IPA: /ɹiːˈkɑːst/
  • enPR: rē-kăst', IPA: /ɹiːˈkæst/

recast (recasts, present participle recasting; past and past participle recast)

  1. To cast or throw again.
    • 1603, Michel de Montaigne, chapter 47, in John Florio, transl., The Essayes, […], book I, printed at London: By Val[entine] Simmes for Edward Blount […], OCLC 946730821 ↗:
      the Roman gentlemen armed at all assayes, in the middest of their running-race, would cast and recast themselves from one to another horse.
  2. To mould again.
    The whole bell had to be recast although it had only one tiny, hardly visible crack.
  3. To reproduce in a new form.
    • 1999, Joyce Crick, translating Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, Oxford 2008, p.33:
      Our conception of the world rises in us as our intellect recasts transterm umgiesst the impressions it receives from without into the forms of time, space, and causality.
  4. (transitive, film, theatre) To assign (roles in a play or performance) to different actors.
    • 2002, Robert C. Allen, To Be Continued...: Soap Operas Around the World, Routledge ISBN 9781134837038, page 153
      According to As the World Turns producer, Michael Laibson, the decision was made to recast the role, because the producers and writers felt it would annoy the audience to have Betsy discontinued so soon after her long-delayed marriage […]
  5. (transitive, film, theatre) To assign (actors) to different roles.
    She was recast as the villain.

recast (plural recasts)

  1. The act or process of recasting.
  2. (linguistics) An utterance translated into another grammatical form.
    Adults may use recasts to suggest corrections to mistakes in children's speech.

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