  • IPA: /ˈɹiːnɪfɔː(ɹ)m/

reniform (not comparable)

  1. Shaped like a kidney; having a circular or roughly circular shape with a notch.
    1. (medicine) That has the shape or profile of a kidney.
      intussusception with a reniform appearance
      multiple reniform circumscribed fat-containing masses
      kidney conserves its reniform contour
    2. (botany, of various anatomical structures) Shaped like a kidney: in leaves, having the petiole attached at the notch; in seeds or spores, shaped generally like a kidney bean.
    3. (zoology, of various anatomical structures) Shaped more or less like a human kidney in any of various ways, such as outline or contour, for example in the pupils of some species' eyes, the compound eyes of some insects, or the shapes of some bones or nodules.
Synonyms Related terms Translations
  • Italian: reniforme
  • Spanish: reniforme, arriñonado

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