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- Opportune; occurring at an appropriate or suitable time.
- Appropriate to the current season of the year.
- The temperature outside was quite seasonable, neither warmer nor colder than I had expected.
- (obsolete) Ephemeral; lasting for just one season.
- (obsolete) In season (said of game when it is legal to be hunted and killed).
- (obsolete) Well-seasoned; matured (e.g. timber).
- (occurring at an appropriate or suitable time) well-timed, timesome; see also Thesaurus:timely
- (lasting for just one season) passing, transitory; see also Thesaurus:ephemeral
- (general) unseasonable
- (occurring at an appropriate or suitable time) ill-timed, untime; see also Thesaurus:untimely
- (lasting for just one season) evergreen, perennial; see also Thesaurus:eternal
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004