see also: Skiff
Pronunciation Noun

skiff (plural skiffs)

  1. A small flat-bottomed open boat with a pointed bow and square stern.
  2. Any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person.
    • 1799, William Wordsworth, The Two-Part Prelude, Book I:
      I went alone into a Shepherd's boat,
      A skiff that to a willow-tree was tied
      Within a rocky cave, its usual home […]
  3. (weather) A light wind/rain/snow, etc.
    A skiff of rain blew into the shed and the two men moved their chairs back.
Translations Verb

skiff (skiffs, present participle skiffing; past and past participle skiffed)

  1. to navigate in a skiff.

skiff (plural skiffs)

  1. (weather, Nova Scotia) a deep blanket of snow covering the ground

Proper noun
  1. Surname

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