  • IPA: /ˈsaɪfən/

siphon (plural siphons)

  1. A bent pipe or tube with one end lower than the other, in which hydrostatic pressure exerted due to the force of gravity moves liquid from one reservoir to another.
  2. A soda siphon.
  3. (biology) A tubelike organ found in animals or elongated cell found in plants.
Translations Verb

siphon (siphons, present participle siphoning; past and past participle siphoned)

  1. (transitive) To transfer (liquid) by means of a siphon.
    He used a rubber tube to siphon petrol from the car's fuel tank.
  2. (transitive, figurative) To steal or skim off in small amounts; to embezzle.
Translations Translations

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