  • IPA: /tɹɪˈfaɪn/

trephine (plural trephines)

  1. (medicine) A surgical instrument with a cylindrical blade used to remove a circular section of tissue, f.e. bone or cornea; a trepan.
    They removed a core of bone as well as took a bone marrow aspirate from my right hip using a trephine to exclude me having a blood cancer, causing a blood- and serum-stained shirt, a whopping hematoma and a great deal of mental anguish and physical pain in the process!
Synonyms Translations Verb

trephine (trephines, present participle trephining; past and past participle trephined)

  1. (intransitive) To use a trephine during surgery.
  2. (transitive) To perforate with a trephine.

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