  • IPA: /tɹɪˈpæn/

trepan (plural trepans)

  1. A tool used to bore through rock when sinking shafts.
  2. (medicine) A surgical instrument used to remove a circular section of bone from the skull; a trephine.
Translations Verb

trepan (trepans, present participle trepanning; past and past participle trepanned)

  1. (transitive, manufacturing, mining) To create a large hole by making a narrow groove outlining the shape of the hole and then removing the plug of material remaining by less expensive means.
  2. (medicine) To use a trepan; to trephine.
Translations Noun

trepan (plural trepans)

  1. (archaic) A trickster.
    • 18, Thomas Babington Macaulay, chapter 17, in The History of England from the Accession of James the Second, volume (please specify ), London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, OCLC 1069526323 ↗:
  2. (archaic) A snare; a trapan.
    • Snares and trepans that common life lays in its way.

trepan (trepans, present participle trepanning; past and past participle trepanned)

  1. (archaic) To ensnare; to seduce, to trick#Verb|trick.
    • 1796, J[ohn] G[abriel] Stedman, chapter XVII, in Narrative of a Five Years’ Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America; […], volume II, London: J[oseph] Johnson, […], and J. Edwards, […], OCLC 13966308 ↗, page 28 ↗:
      Among his men I recollected one Cordus, a gentleman's ſon from Hamburgh, in which character I had known him, and who had been trepanned into the Weſt India Company's ſervice by the crimps or ſilver-coopers as a common ſoldier.
    • 1798 Charlotte Turner Smith: The Young Philosopher. Vol.4, Chapter 9. ...a postchaise, into which he had so infamously trepanned me...

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