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- (British, America) IPA: /ʌnˈhɛl.θi/
unhealthy (comparative unhealthier, superlative unhealthiest)
- characterized by, or conducive to poor health
- The villagers lived in unhealthy surroundings.
- sick or ill
- He was an unhealthy child.
- tending to corrupt
- He liked unhealthy reading material.
- characterized by disturbed mental health
- He had an unhealthy interest in fire.
- French: malsain, mauvais pour la santé
- German: ungesund, gesundheitsschädlich
- Italian: malsano, insalubre
- Portuguese: insalubre
- Russian: вре́дный
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002