  • (British) IPA: /wəʊ/, /ʍəʊ/
  • (America) enPR wō, IPA: /woʊ/, /ʍoʊ/
  1. Stop (especially when commanding a horse or imitative thereof); calm down; slow down.
    Whoa, Nelly!
  2. An expression of surprise.
    Whoa, are you serious?
  3. Used as a meaningless filler in song lyrics.
    • 2003, "Weird Al" Yankovic, eBay (song) (song)
      I am the type who is liable to snipe you
      With two seconds left to go, whoa.
    • 2010, Bruce Springsteen, It's a Shame
      And oh whoa girl, it's a shame.
      Oh whoa girl, it's a doggone shame.
Antonyms Translations Translations Translations Verb

whoa (whoas, present participle whoaing; past and past participle whoaed)

  1. (transitive) To attempt to slow (an animal) by crying "whoa".
    • 1926, Josephine Demott Robinson, The Circus Lady (page 38)
      He was whoaing the horses loudly, and they did seem to be going faster than usual—in fact, they were galloping.

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