wild-goose chase

wild-goose chase (idiomatic)

  1. (figuratively) A futile search, a fruitless errand; a useless and often lengthy task whose execution is inordinately complex relative to the value of the outcome.
    I went on a wild-goose chase all over the town looking for that adapter until I discovered they no longer make them.
    Diagnosing this software application's problems is a wild-goose chase because it is built in an environment that has poor debugging tools.
    Synonyms: merry dance
  • German: ein sinnloses Unterfangen, fruchtloses Unterfangen
  • Italian: ricerca inutile, ricerca vana, caccia ai fantasmi, sforzo inutile
  • Portuguese: caça aos gambozinos
  • Spanish: búsqueda inútil

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