see also: Yam
  • (British, America) enPR: yăm, IPA: /jæm/

yam (plural yams)

  1. Any climbing vine of the genus Dioscorea in the Eastern and Western hemispheres, usually cultivated.
  2. The edible, starchy, tuberous root of that plant, a tropical staple food.
  3. (US) A sweet potato; a tuber from the species Ipomoea batatas.
  4. (Scotland) Potato.
  5. (NZ) A oca; a tuber from the species Oxalis tuberosa.
  6. (Malaysia, Singapore) Taro.
  7. An orange-brown colour, like the flesh of the yam.
Translations Noun

yam (plural yams)

  1. (regional, Cumberland) home

Proper noun
  1. Surname

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