see also: Benny

benny (plural bennies)

  1. (slang) An amphetamine tablet.
  2. (UK, slang) A tantrum; a fit of furious or erratic behaviour.
    • 2001, "Neil Davey", Sacked Referees (on newsgroup
      BTW, you might like to see what happens to CM00-01 when one of your sticks of memory decides to have a benny:

benny (bennies, present participle bennying; past and past participle bennied)

  1. (slang, usually with "up") To take amphetamines.

benny (plural bennies)

  1. (informal) A benefit.

benny (plural bennies)

  1. (slang, dated) An overcoat.
    • 1902, Clarence Louis Cullen, More Ex-Tank Tales (page 32)
      […] and figuring on where the engraved papers were going to come from that 'ud enable me to yank one of the bennies out of the eaves. Nobody ever saw me without an overcoat, and the right kind of an overcoat, […]
    • 1931, The Tomahawk of Alpha Sigma Phi (volume 28, issue 1, page 12)
      Horse-hide coats are common, but real "honest t' God" fur bennies are very, very scarce.
  2. (US, slang, obsolete) A straw hat. [early 20th century]

benny (plural bennies)

  1. (informal) Synonym of eggs Benedict#English|eggs Benedict

Pronunciation Proper noun
  1. A nickname for a man named Benjamin.
Proper noun
  1. A nickname for a woman named Bernice or Bernadette.

benny (plural Bennies)

  1. (British, slang) A stupid or dull-witted person.
  2. (British, slang) A temper tantrum.
  3. (British, slang) A native of the Falkland Islands.
    Synonyms: still

benny (plural Bennies)

  1. (US, slang) A one-hundred-dollar bill.


  1. (informal) Synonym of eggs Benedict#English|eggs Benedict

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