see also: LV, Lv
  1. Initialism of latent#English|latent variable#English|variable.
  2. Initialism of launch vehicle#English|launch vehicle.
  3. Initialism of left ventricle#English|left ventricle.
  4. Abbreviation of level#English|level.
  5. Initialism of liquid#English|liquid volume#English|volume.
  6. Initialism of local#English|local volume.
  7. Initialism of logical#English|logical volume.
  8. Initialism of low#English|low voltage#English|voltage.
  9. Initialism of low#English|low volume.
  10. Initialism of luncheon#English|luncheon voucher#English|voucher.

Proper noun
  1. Initialism of Las Vegas a city in Nevada, United States.
  2. Initialism of Lehigh Valley
  3. Initialism of Louis Vuitton
  4. Initialism of LabVIEW
  5. Initialism of LaserVision
  6. (UK) Initialism of Liverpool Victoria a British insurance company;


  1. Initialism of launch vehicle
  2. (anatomy, medicine) Initialism of left ventricle
  3. (statistics) Initialism of latent variable
  4. (computing) Initialism of logical volume
  5. (photography) Initialism of light value
  6. (politics) Initialism of likely voter
  1. (handbells) Abbreviation of laissez vibrer/let#English|let vibrate#English|vibrate.

Proper noun
  1. Abbreviation of Leviticus#English|Leviticus.

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