  • (RP, NYC) IPA: /ˈpæɹ.ɪs/
  • (GA, Mmmm) IPA: /ˈpɛɹ.ɪs/
Proper noun
  1. A caplc in France.
  2. A department in Île-de-France, France.
  3. (figuratively) The government of France.
  4. .
    1. A hamlet in Jutland, Denmark.
    2. A former settlement in Yukon, Canada.
    3. A former settlement in Kiritimati, Kiribati.
    4. A locale in US.
      1. A city/county seat in Lamar County, Texas.
      2. A city/county seat in Henry County, Tennessee.
      3. A city/county seat in Edgar County, Illinois.
      4. A city/county seat in Bourbon County, Kentucky.
      5. A town/county seat in Oxford County, Maine.
      6. .
      7. A town in Grant County, Wisconsin.
      8. A city/county seat in Bear Lake County, Idaho.
      9. An unincorporated community in Indiana.
      10. An unincorporated community in Iowa.
      11. An unincorporated community in New Hampshire.
      12. An unincorporated community in Ohio.
      13. An unincorporated community in Virginia.
  5. A community in Ontario, ;.
  6. Surname for someone from Paris.
  7. A male given name.
  8. A female given name, usually from the French city.
  9. A town in New York, ;.cln en
  10. A town in Kenosha County, Wisconsin.
  11. A city/county seat in Monroe County, Missouri.
  12. An unincorporated community in Oregon, ;.
Translations Translations Proper noun
  1. (Greek mythology) A Trojan prince who eloped with Helen.
  2. A male given name, from the Trojan hero.
  • French: Paris
  • German: Paris
  • Italian: Paride
  • Portuguese: Páris
  • Russian: Пари́с
  • Spanish: Paris
Proper noun
  1. Surname, ultimately from Latin Patricius.
Proper noun
  1. Surname of Celtic origin, a variant of Parris.
Proper noun
  1. Surname, a variant of Parys.
Proper noun
  1. Surname, a variant of Parigi.
Proper noun
  1. Surname, a variant of Aparicio.

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