see also: SU
Pronunciation Proper noun
  1. A female given name and of its variant forms.
    • 1950 C. S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Fontana Lions (1980), ISBN 0-00-671663-6, page 54:
      "I am sure nobody would mind," said Susan; "it isn't as if we wanted to take them out of the house; we shan't take them even out of the wardrobe." "I never thought of that, Su," said Peter.
Proper noun
  1. Surname

Proper noun
  1. Initialism of Sabancı University
  2. Initialism of Salisbury University
  3. Initialism of Seattle University
  4. Abbreviation of Seton Hall University.
  5. Initialism of Shippensburg University
  6. Initialism of Silliman University
  7. Initialism of Silpakorn University
  8. Initialism of Sofia University
  9. Initialism of South University
  10. Initialism of Soviet Union
  11. Initialism of Stanford University
  12. Initialism of Stellenbosch University
  13. Initialism of Stockholm University
  14. Initialism of Syracuse University
  15. Abbreviation of North Sumatra, a province of Indonesia.

Su (plural Sus)

  1. Initialism of students' union
  2. (algebra) Abbreviation of special unitary group#English|special unitary group.
  3. Initialism of state university
  4. Initialism of statistical unit

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