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- IPA: /əˈmjuzmənt/
- (uncountable) Entertainment.
- 2005, Plato, Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. 234a.
- This is some form of amusement you're talking about.
- 2005, Plato, Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. 234a.
- (countable) An activity that is entertaining or amusing, such as dancing, gunning, or fishing.
- Synonyms: Thesaurus:hobby
- French: amusement
- German: Amüsement (obsolete), Entertainment (colloquial), Unterhaltung, Vergnügen
- Italian: divertimento
- Portuguese: divertimento
- Russian: развлече́ние
- Spanish: divertimiento, esparcimiento
- Italian: intrattenimento, festeggiamento
- Portuguese: diversão
- Russian: развлече́ние
- Spanish: diversión
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003