
beshield (beshields, present participle beshielding; past and past participle beshielded)

  1. (transitive, reflexive, archaic) To shield around or about; protect; defend.
    • 2006, Percy Grainger, Malcolm Gillies, David Pear, Self-Portrait of Percy Grainger:
      Of course I was frightened — frightened of being struck, or beshamed, during the next tone-show — so cast about for someone to beshield me.
  2. (transitive) To provide or outfit with a shield.
    • 1872, The Net:
      Our bearers now began to call themselves Natal Kafirs, fearing to say they were Zulus before the young Amaswazi warriors, beplumed, beshielded, bespeared, perched about here and there in picturesque unconsciousness of their picturesqueness.

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