Pronunciation Noun

blip (plural blips)

  1. (electronics) A small dot#Noun|dot registered on electronic equipment, such as a radar or oscilloscope screen#Noun|screen.
  2. A short sound#Noun|sound of a single pitch, usually electronically generated.
  3. (by extension) A brief#Adjective|brief and usually minor#Adjective|minor aberration or deviation from what is expected or normal.
  4. (internet, historical) An individual message or document in the Google Wave software framework.
    • 2010, Gina Trapani, ‎Adam Pash, The Complete Guide to Google Wave (page 51)
      When a participant has full access permissions to a wave, he or she can change the contents of all blips and reply within or after blips.
    • 2010, Andres Ferrate, Google Wave: Up and Running (page 87)
      Although the wiki-like editing capabilities of Google Wave represent a valuable feature, there is some debate about whether participants should edit other participants' blips or their own blips.
Translations Translations Verb

blip (blips, present participle blipping; past and past participle blipped)

  1. (intransitive, informal) To change state abruptly, such as between off and on or dark and light, sometimes implying motion.
  2. (transitive) Synonym of bleep#English|bleep (“to replace offending words in a broadcast recording with a tone”)
    • 2003, Harry Castleman, ‎Walter J. Podrazik, Watching TV: Six Decades of American Television (page 155)
      […] even walking off his own show once after an NBC censor had arbitrarily blipped a mildly risque joke from the day's tape.

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