
boule (plural boules)

  1. One of the bowls used in the French game of boules.
  2. A single-crystal ingot produced by synthetic means.
  3. A round loaf of bread.
  4. A round piece of dough.
  5. (woodworking) A through-sawn log with the slices restacked in the order and orientation they originally had in the log, usually with waney edges.
  • Spanish: bola, pan bola
Translations Verb

boule (boules, present participle bouling; past and past participle bouled)

  1. (transitive, cooking, rare, nonstandard) To shape (a piece of dough) into a ball.
Translations Noun

boule (uncountable)

  1. (woodworking) Alternative form of buhl

boule (plural boules)

  1. (historical) A council of citizens in Ancient Greece
Related terms Translations

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