
cannonball (plural cannonballs)

  1. (military, artillery)
    1. A spherical projectile fired from a smoothbore cannon
      Synonyms: solid shot, ball, round shot
    2. An explosive-filled hollow iron sphere fused through a hole and intended to explode at a calculated distance rather than explode on impact.
  • French: boulet de canon
  • German: Kanonenkugel
  • Italian: palla di cannone
  • Portuguese: bala de canhão
  • Russian: пу́шечное ядро́
  • Spanish: bala de cañón

cannonball (plural cannonballs)

  1. (diving) The act of running and jumping in a flexed position into a swimming pool to create a large splash, mimicking the flight and shape of a cannonball.
    The cannonball could be called the S.U.V. of the pool — oversized, brash, hormonally hardwired.
    • The New Yorker, 30 August 2004, p.40
  2. (slang, figuratively) Something that moves fast.
    Meetings of the model train club always begin with the song "Wabash Cannonball".
  3. (tennis) A served ball that travels with great speed and describes little or no arc in flight.
Translations Verb

cannonball (cannonballs, present participle cannonballing; past and past participle cannonballed)

  1. To jump/dive into water doing a cannonball landing.
    He cannonballed into the pool, drenching us all.
  2. To careen; to move rapidly
  1. Yelled when jumping/diving into the water, doing a cannonball landing.

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