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- (RP) enPR: chô, IPA: /tʃɔː/
- (America) enPR: chôr, IPA: /tʃɔɹ/
- (rhotic, horse-hoarse) enPR: chōr, IPA: /tʃo(ː)ɹ/
- (nonrhotic, horse-hoarse) IPA: /tʃoə/
chore (plural chores)
- A task, especially a difficult, unpleasant, or routine one.
- Washing dishes is a chore, but we cannot just stop eating.
- French: corvée, tâche
- German: leidige Aufgabe, lästige Pflicht, Hausarbeit (homework)
- Italian: corvè
- Portuguese: tarefa
- Russian: рути́нная рабо́та
- Spanish: mandado, quehacer, tarea
chore (chores, present participle choring; past and past participle chored)
- (US, dated) To do chores.
- (RP) enPR: chô, IPA: /tʃɔː/
- (rhotic, horse-hoarse) enPR: chōr, IPA: /tʃo(ː)ɹ/
- (nonrhotic, horse-hoarse) IPA: /tʃoə/
chore (chores, present participle choring; past and past participle chored)
(British, informal) To steal.
chore (plural chores)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003