Pronunciation 15th century, dialectal, in noun sense “stupid fellow”. Adjective sense “surly, displeased” from 1832. Adjective


  1. (British) Surly; annoyed; displeased; disgruntled.
  2. (UK, dialect) stupid; churlish
Synonyms Noun

chuff (plural chuffs)

  1. A coarse or stupid fellow.
Translations Verb

chuff (chuffs, present participle chuffing; past and past participle chuffed)

  1. (intransitive) To make noisy puffing sounds, as of a steam locomotive.
    • 1912, Katherine Mansfield, "The Woman At The Store", Selected Short Stories
      The horses stumbled along, coughing and chuffing.
    • 1928, D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover
      […] and the small lit up train that chuffed past in the cutting made it seem like real night.
  2. (British, slang) To break wind.
  3. To intermittently extinguish and reignite a powder charge.
Translations Noun


  1. (scriptwriting, uncountable) Superfluous small talk that is free of conflict, offers no character development, description or insight, and does not advance the story or plot.
  2. A breathy noise produced by a tiger, similar in function to a cat's purr.
1520s, in sense “swollen with fat”; circa 1860, British dialect, in sense “pleased”. Possibly related to “coarse, stupid, fat-headed” sense. Adjective


  1. (British) Pleased.
  2. (obsolete) Swollen with fat.
  3. (coarse slang, of cheeks) Swollen.
Synonyms Noun

chuff (plural chuffs)

  1. (coarse slang) The vagina.
  2. (coarse slang) Anus.
    The car behind was following too close — it was right up my chuff.

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