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constituency (plural constituencies)
- (politics) A district represented by one or more elected officials.
- Synonyms: electoral district, precinct, riding
- John was elected to parliament from the Bedford constituency.
- (collective) The voters within such a district.
- Synonyms: electorate
- (collective) The residents of such a district.
- (collective) The voters of a candidate.
- An interest group or fan base.
- French: circonscription électorale, circonscription
- German: Wahlkreis
- Italian: circoscrizione
- Portuguese: círculo eleitoral, distrito eleitoral
- Russian: избира́тельный о́круг
- Spanish: circunscripción
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003