
From Middle English correccioun, correction, from Old French correccion (French correction), from Latin corrēctiō.

  • IPA: /kəˈɹɛkʃən/


  1. The act of correcting.
  2. A substitution for an error or mistake.
  3. (chiefly, in plural) Punishment that is intended to rehabilitate an offender.
  4. An amount or quantity of something added or subtracted so as to correct.
  5. A decline in a stock market price after a large rise.
  6. (procedure word, military) a station's indication that previous information was incorrect and will continue with correct information from the last correct transmitted
    I have four T-80 tanks at grid Three-niner-niner-four-eight-eight, Correction: Grid Three niner-niner-four-eight-five. How copy? Over.
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