culture hero

culture hero

  1. (idiomatic) A mythical character or real person who is renowned as the exemplar of the values or achievements of a society, group, or time period.
    • 1970 March 23, "[,9171,943222,00.html Business: America the Inefficient]," Time:
      [T]he U.S. has long been the Land of Efficiency. . . . Here mass production was born, the assembly line for good or ill became the modern cornucopia, and Henry Ford once reigned as the leading culture hero.
    • 2006 Oct. 1, Edward Kosner, "First Chapter: It’s News to Me," New York Times (retrieved 4 June 2013):
      [T]hese were mostly Russian intellectuals, hard-core Stalinists, and democratic socialists . . . whose book-lined apartments were filled with leftist tracts and records by the Red Army Chorus and the black American Communist culture hero Paul Robeson.
  • French: héros culturel
  • German: Kulturheros
  • Russian: культу́рный геро́й

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