
dander (uncountable)

  1. Dandruff—scaly white dead skin flakes from the human scalp.
  2. Hair follicles and dead skin shed from mammals.
  3. Allergen particles that accumulate on and may be shed from the skin and fur of domestic animals, especially from household pets such as cats and dogs.
Translations Noun

dander (uncountable)

  1. (chiefly Scotland) A cinder; (in the plural) the refuse of a furnace
  2. (slang) Passion, temper, anger. Usually preceded by "have" or "get" and followed by "up".
    He'll get his dander up if his team is criticized.
    She has her dander up every day about discrimination against women.
Translations Verb

dander (danders, present participle dandering; past and past participle dandered)

  1. To wander about.
    • 1922 February, James Joyce, “[[Episode 16]]”, in Ulysses, Paris: Shakespeare & Co.; Sylvia Beach, OCLC 560090630 ↗; republished London: Published for the Egoist Press, London by John Rodker, Paris, October 1922, OCLC 2297483 ↗:
      So as neither of them were particularly pressed for time, as it happened, and the temperature refreshing since it cleared up after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they dandered along past by where the empty vehicle was waiting without a fare or a jarvey
  2. To maunder, to talk incoherently.

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