see also: DEP


  1. Short for department#English|department.


  1. Short for deposit#English|deposit.
  2. Short for departure#English|departure.
  3. (law, informal) A deposition.
    Don't worry too much if they don’t give us everything we need in their rog answers; we'll fill the gaps in dep.
  4. (informal) A deputy.
    • 1999, Alex Alexandrowicz, David Wilson, The Longest Injustice: The Strange Story of Alex Alexandrowicz
      [A]s soon as the door opened we could see it was the deputy governor coming through. […] We watched as the dep crossed the football field towards us.
  5. (Canada, Quebec, informal) A dépanneur.
  6. (computing, informal) A dependency.

dep (deps, present participle depping; past and past participle depped)

  1. (informal) To deputize.
    • 2004, John Chilton, Who's Who of British Jazz: 2nd Edition (page 212)
      Regularly with Bob Kerr's Whoopee Band for almost a year in the late 1990s and later deputized in the band, including a tour of Denmark (2003), also depped in Chris Barber's Band for Swedish tour (2001).
  1. depart or departs
  2. deposed



  1. (US, military, countable) Initialism of delayed entry program
    A DEP allows a recruit to complete education before joining the military.
  2. (computing, uncountable) Initialism of data execution prevention
Proper noun
  1. Initialism of Department of Environmental protection

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