
dumper (plural dumpers)

  1. A small vehicle often used to carry loads and material around, often on building sites.
  2. A dropper of refuse, particularly not in landfill sites/recycling sites.
  3. One who dumps a boyfriend or girlfriend; the one of a romantic couple who terminates the relationship.
  4. (surfing) A wave that knocks a surfer into the water.
    • 1959, John Bloomfield, Know-how in the Surf (page 28)
      The choice of a dumper can be disastrous for a comparatively unskilled surfer […]
    • 2004, Australian Mathematical Society, Gazette (volume 31, page 249)
      […] learning how to slide across the face of a wave is put to practical use when inadvertently catching a dumper (plunging wave).
  5. (computing) A program that outputs the contents of storage or a data structure.
    • 2005, Kris Kaspersky, Hacker Debugging Uncovered (page 51)
      Protected programs implement various measures of counteraction against debuggers, disassemblers, dumpers, and other hacker tools.
  • (person who finishes the relationship) break-upper
  • Italian: ribaltabile, autoveicolo con cassone ribaltabile
  • Spanish: camión bañera

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