see also: Dunker

dunker (plural dunkers)

  1. Someone who dunks.
  2. (basketball) A person tasked with performing or training others in slam dunks.
  3. A biscuit that is suitable for dunking in a cup of tea.
  4. Any snack food suitable for dunking in sauce.
  5. (naval) A kind of sonobuoy.
    • 1986, Jane's Defence Weekly (volume 6, page 1285)
      Active sonar, for aircraft purposes still largely associated with dunking, suffers less variability but often has less range. […] Development of both dunkers and sonobuoys continues towards lower frequencies, implying bigger arrays, and deeper deployments.
    • 2013, Philip Kaplan, Naval Air: Celebrating a Century of Naval Flying (page 179)
      Then they drop the dunker into the water and spin it around a few times so you end up upside-down.


dunker (plural dunkers)

  1. One of a religious denomination whose tenets and practices are mainly those of the Baptists, but partly those of the Quakers.
  2. A member of the Church of the Brethren.

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