  • (British) IPA: /dɪsˈpɛp.si.ə/


  1. (pathology) Any mild disorder of digestion, characterised by stomach pain, discomfort, heartburn and nausea, often following a meal.
    • He divides dyspepsias into accidental, temporary (indigestions) and habitual.
    • 1960, P[elham] G[renville] Wodehouse, chapter XII, in Jeeves in the Offing, London: Herbert Jenkins, OCLC 1227855 ↗:
      I've never hunted myself, but I understand that half the battle is being able to make noises like some jungle animal with dyspepsia, and I believe that Aunt Dahlia in her prime could lift fellow-members of the Quorn and Pytchley out of their saddles with a single yip, though separated from them by two ploughed fields and a spinney.
Synonyms Translations
  • Portuguese: dispepsia
  • Russian: расстро́йство пищеваре́ния
  • Spanish: dispepsia, indigestión

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