Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
- Absence of order; state of not being arranged in an orderly manner.
- After playing the children left the room in disorder.
- A disturbance of civic peace or of public order.
- The class was thrown into disorder when the teacher left the room
- The army tried to prevent disorder when claims the elections had been rigged grew stronger.
- (medicine, countable) A physical or mental malfunction.
- Bulimia is an eating disorder.
- (absence of order) chaos, entropy; see also Thesaurus:disorder
- (disturbance of civic peace) See also Thesaurus:riot
- French: désordre
- German: Unordnung
- Italian: disordine
- Portuguese: desordem
- Russian: беспоря́док
- Spanish: desorden
- French: trouble
- German: Unruhen
- Italian: disordine
- Portuguese: desordem
- Russian: беспорядок
- Spanish: desorden, disturbio, desenfreno
- French: trouble, désordre
- German: Störung
- Italian: disturbo, disordine
- Portuguese: transtorno, distúrbio
- Russian: расстро́йство
- Spanish: trastorno, desorden
disorder (disorders, present participle disordering; past and past participle disordered)
- (transitive) To throw into a state of disorder.
- (transitive) To knock out of order or sequence.
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003