Pronunciation Noun

frag (plural frags)

  1. (video games, slang) A successful kill in a deathmatch game.
    I'd been fighting him for ages, and then you stole my frag!
  2. (military, slang) A fragmentation grenade.
  • French: frag, kill (slang)

frag (frags, present participle fragging; past and past participle fragged)

  1. (transitive, US, military, slang) To deliberately kill (one's superior officer) with a fragmentation grenade.
  2. (transitive, military and video games, slang) To hit with the explosion of a fragmentation grenade.
    I fragged him once and then meleed him for the kill.
  3. (video games) To kill.
    • 1996, "Martin Cox", Stupid frags ... (on newsgroup
      I have pistol-fragged far superior players coming at me with a shotgun with 100% health.
    I fragged him but he fell off the ledge afterwards.

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