see also: Fuchsia
Pronunciation Noun

fuchsia (plural fuchsias)

  1. A popular garden plant, of the genus Fuchsia, of the Onagraceae family, shrubs with red, pink or purple flowers.
    • 1922, Katherine Mansfield, At The Bay (Selected Stories, Oxford World's Classics paperback 2002, 281)
      Drenched were the cold fuchsias, round pearls of dew lay on the flat nasturtium leaves
  2. A purplish-red colour, the color of fuchsin, an aniline dye.
    Synonyms: magenta
Translations Translations Adjective

fuchsia (not comparable)

  1. Having a purplish-red colour.

Proper noun
  1. A female given name
    • 1946, Mervyn Peake, Titus Groan
      […] the attic, which since the earliest days Fuchsia could remember had been for her a world undesecrate.
    • 2012, William Shurtleff, ‎Akiko Aoyagi, History of Yuba - The Film That Forms Atop Heated Soymilk (1587-2012)
      Slater quotes from a new book titled Sichuan Cookery, by Fuchsia Dunlop, the BBC's East Asia specialist.

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