see also: Jackpot

jackpot (plural jackpots)

  1. A money prize pool which accumulates until the conditions are met for it to be won.
  2. A large cash prize or money.
  3. An unexpected windfall or reward.
  4. (forestry) A concentration of surface wood or fuel.
    a juniper jackpot
Translations Translations Translations
  • Russian: куш

jackpot (jackpots, present participle jackpotting; past and past participle jackpotted)

  1. (of a slot machine, intransitive) To issue a jackpot.

jackpot (plural jackpots)

  1. (Western US) A difficult situation.
  2. A jumble of felled timber.

Proper noun
  1. CDP in Elko County, Nevada.

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