  • IPA: /d͡ʒuːk/

juke (plural jukes)

  1. (southern US) A roadside cafe or bar, especially one with dancing and sometimes prostitution.
Synonyms Translations
  • Russian: придорожный

juke (jukes, present participle juking; past and past participle juked)

  1. to play dance music, or to dance, in a juke
  2. (slang) to hit
  3. (prison slang) to stab
    • 2007, Teenager filmed by friend as he stabbed 16-year-old student to death (in Mail Online, 9 February 2007)
      On the internet that night Asghar told a friend: "I'll bang him and then f*** it man, might as well juke [stab] him up tomorrow."
    Synonyms: Thesaurus:stab

juke (jukes, present participle juking; past and past participle juked)

  1. To deceive or outmaneuver someone using a feint, especially in American football or soccer
    Synonyms: dummy
  2. To bend the neck; to bow or duck the head.

juke (plural jukes)

  1. (sports) A feint.
    Synonyms: dummy
  2. The neck of a bird.

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