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- (British) enPR: lônch, IPA: /lɔːnt͡ʃ/
- (some accents) enPR: länch, IPA: /lɑːnt͡ʃ/
- (America) enPR: lônch, IPA: /lɔnt͡ʃ/
- (cot-caught) IPA: /lɒnt͡ʃ/
- (cot-caught) IPA: /lɑnt͡ʃ/
launch (launches, present participle launching; past and past participle launched)
- (transitive) To throw (a projectile such as a lance, dart or ball); to hurl; to propel with force.
- 2011, Stephen Budiansky, Perilous Fight: America's Intrepid War with Britain on the High Seas, 1812-1815, page 323
- There they were met by four thousand Ha'apa'a warriors, who launched a volley of stones and spears […]
- 2011, Stephen Budiansky, Perilous Fight: America's Intrepid War with Britain on the High Seas, 1812-1815, page 323
- (transitive, obsolete) To pierce with, or as with, a lance.
- Synonyms: lance, pierce
- 1591, Edmund Spenser, The Teares of the Muses
- And launch your hearts with lamentable wounds.
- (transitive) To cause (a vessel) to move or slide from the land or a larger vessel into the water; to set afloat.
- 1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, […], OCLC 964384981 ↗, Luke 5:4 ↗:
- Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
- 1725–1726, Alexander Pope, Homer's Odyssey (translation), Book V
- With stays and cordage last he rigged the ship, / And rolled on levers, launched her in the deep.
- The navy launched another ship.
- (transitive) To cause (a rocket, balloon, etc., or the payload thereof) to begin its flight upward from the ground.
- 1978, Farooq Hussain, "Volksraketen for the Third World" in New Scientist
- A cheap rocket that could launch military reconnaisance satellites for developing countries has become involved in a tangled web of Nazi rocket scientists, Penthouse magazine, KGB disinformation, and a treaty reminiscent of the height of colonialism in Africa.
- NASA launched several unmanned rockets before launching any of the Mercury astronauts.
- 1978, Farooq Hussain, "Volksraketen for the Third World" in New Scientist
- (transitive) To send out; to start (someone) on a mission or project; to give a start to (something); to put in operation
- Our business launched a new project.
- 1649, Eikon Basilike
- All art is uſed to ſink Epiſcopacy, & lanch Presbytery in England.
- (transitive, computing) To start (a program or feature); to execute or bring into operation.
- Double-click an icon to launch the associated application.
- (transitive) To release; to put onto the market for sale
- (intransitive) Of a ship, rocket, balloon, etc.: to depart on a voyage; to take off.
- (intransitive, often with out) To move with force and swiftness like a sliding from the stocks into the water; to plunge; to begin.
- 1718, Matthew Prior, Solomon: On the Vanity of the World, Preface
- In our language, Spenſer has not contented himſelf with this ſubmiſſive manner of imitation : he launches out into very flowery paths […]
- 1969, Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, ch. 23:
- My class was wearing butter-yellow pique dresses, and Momma launched out on mine. She smocked the yoke into tiny crisscrossing puckers, then shirred the rest of the bodice.
- to launch into an argument or discussion
- to launch into lavish expenditures
- 1718, Matthew Prior, Solomon: On the Vanity of the World, Preface
- (intransitive, computing) (of a program) to start to operate
- After clicking the icon, the application will launch.
- French: lancer
- German: abschießen, lancieren
- Italian: lanciare
- Portuguese: lançar, arremessar, jogar, tacar
- Russian: запуска́ть
- Spanish: lanzar
- Portuguese: lancear
- Spanish: lancear
launch (plural launches)
- The movement of a vessel from land into the water; especially, the sliding on ways from the stocks on which it is built. (Compare: to splash a ship.)
- The act or fact of launching (a ship/vessel, a project, a new book, etc.).
- An event held to celebrate the launch of a ship/vessel, project, a new book, etc.; a launch party.
- product launch
- book launch
- launching ways
- French: lancement
- German: Start
- Portuguese: lançamento, arremesso
- Russian: за́пуск
- Spanish: lanzamiento
- Russian: спуск
launch (plural launches)
- (nautical) The boat of the largest size and/or of most importance belonging to a ship of war, and often called the "captain's boat" or "captain's launch".
- (nautical) A boat used to convey guests to and from a yacht.
- (nautical) An open boat of any size powered by steam, petrol, electricity, etc.
- Russian: барка́с
- Russian: барка́с
- Russian: барка́с
- Spanish: lancha
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003